This particular entry will most likely be fairly short as if you've read this far you have a pretty good idea about how my career has gone so far. But, for those of you who have not, this is where I've been so far:
- Started education in the field of writing and received a Bachelor of Arts in English.
- Found a retail job at an art store selling posters and random decorations.
- Worked on novels and attempted to have them published.
- Moved into a retail job working with art and custom framing.
- Started teaching framing, drawing, painting and crafts. Started selling my paintings and artwork for commissions and artist fairs/conventions.
- Continued working with conventions and learned how to design graphics and work with media advertising and copy, merchandise design and social media.
- Trained as management and learned supervisory jobs.
- Started my own online business and had my first true craft fair experience.
Job Leads...
- Bold Penguin - a website company that specialized in Insurance for small businesses. Job was $12/hr but had no parking options... only downside. No dress code, 9-5, great benefits. I was stupid and should have gone in for the second interview.
- Quantum Health - an Insurance company with a focus on ease and personal care - had a phone interview for an Assistant Pod Manager job, which apparently was out of my league and I should have applied for an entry level job.
- Beam Dental - a dental Insurance company - had a great phone interview, a great in-person interview...but got passed over for someone with call center experience and the job listing was taken down.
- Supply House - Plumbing and home improvement supply warehouse - interviewed for a secretarial job, but the latest update is that they were still taking applications and interviewing.
- Quantum Health - I bit the bullet and applied...again...but for a Junior RFP Writer position, but in my cover letter mentioned I'd be open for any position even though I was applying to that particular one.
I think in total I've applied for over 20 different jobs since April. I've literally had four bites, which has really depressed me.
When I first lost my job I was so excited and confident. I just KNEW I'd get a new job and when the first place I applied for (well, one of the first) I got both a phone and an in-person interview and got called for a second...I was so confident in my potential to get a job that I turned it down since it wasn't quite what I was looking for.
Now, nearly every day I kick myself for not following that path, at least for a short time. I feel like an idiot because since then I have had no other confidence builders and that push and excitement has now dwindled.
By the time I had my last interview I was so miserable that I couldn't show the excitement that I first approached those interviews with previously. The confidence I had when I was applying for jobs has changed to anxiety and the feeling of inferiority. Will this job even look at my application? Why would they? What do I have to offer to someone at my age? Why did I go so long without trying for a job elsewhere that could use what I had to offer? Why did I suffer? What will people think when they look at the gaps in my resume?
So, here are some of the things I'm going to be looking at over the next few weeks:
- Re-evaluate my Resume and bring it up to date.
- Work on writing a concise cover letter for each job application.
- Research education paths - writing or information/internet technologies?
- Get a better wardrobe to present myself better. Dress to impress!
- Practice Interviews - find a better way to explain how I lost my job. "I was let go due to policy changes."
- Try to find new contacts for job possibilities.
- Stop being so depressed about my situation and get working on what I CAN do.
Now I need to process all of this, and report back as I manage to overcome some of these hurdles!
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